The meeting place for eco-responsible transport and logistics 06/10/2020

Category : freight news, diary | Published on : 17/08/20

The meeting place for eco-responsible transport and logistics

"The ecological transition of transport and logistics: an opportunity to get out of the crisis".

TUESDAY 6 OCTOBER from 8.30am to 2pm; PARIS La Maison des Océans

Reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and air pollutants from the transport sector is a key issue for the Climate Plan.

The Eco-responsible transport and logistics meeting aims to pass on the positive experiences of companies committed to reducing the energy and environmental impact of their transport activities.

It is intended for all companies in the supply chain and passenger transport as experience shows the benefits of acting collectively to create a virtuous synergy.

The event focuses mainly on exchanges between professionals and concrete interventions, on good practices and answers to operational questions.

The objective is to provide keys to act and to succeed in an ambitious and voluntary approach.