Climate law and resilience

Category: freight actuaries | Published on : 2/03/21

The draft law resulting from the Citizens' Climate Convention was presented to the Council of Ministers on 10 February and will be discussed in Parliament in March. FRET 21 briefly discusses the obligation for companies to reduce the environmental impact of their freight transport.

Climate Bill: Anticipate new regulatory obligations with FRET21

The bill on combating climate change and strengthening resilience to its effects was presented to the Council of Ministers on 10 February. Resulting from the discussions and work of the Citizens' Climate Convention, this bill proposes concrete measures to be put in place in order to establish a more ecological and sustainable society.
The 150 citizens drawn for this exercise proposed a series of measures aimed at achieving a reduction of at least 40% in our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 (based on 1990 levels). The proposals cover public services, education, urban planning, transport, consumption patterns and justice.
The bill is composed of 69 articles, broken down into 6 main headings that implement the proposals of the Citizens' Climate Convention.
The "Getting Around" chapter of the bill provides for various measures to reduce the environmental impact of transport in general and of freight transport in particular and targets all the players in the logistics chain

Focus on the obligation for companies to reduce the environmental impact of their freight transport.

Les conclusions des travaux de la Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat ont souligné la nécessité de mobiliser les chargeurs / les donneurs d’ordre dans la transition écologique du secteur des transports de marchandises.
Cette volonté s’est concrétisée dans l’article 33 du projet de loi avec l’obligation pour les entreprises déjà soumises aux déclarations de performance extra-financière, de communiquer des informations sur l’impact carbone de leur activité de transport (amont et aval) et de mettre en place des plans d’action pour le réduire.
L’entrée en vigueur de cette nouvelle obligation pour les entreprises est prévue pour juillet 2022
Les discussions parlementaires débutent début mars à l’Assemblée avec une adoption définitive de la loi en septembre.

Anticipate the entry into force of this new obligation with FRET21

Initiated by the AUTF and the Ademe to help companies measure and reduce the carbon impact of the transport of their products with a common methodological framework recognized by the public authorities, FRET21 makes it possible to meet this obligation in a voluntary way and thus to benefit from a tailor-made support and the aids proposed by the Ademe.
The entire FRET 21 team is at your disposal to answer any questions you may have, you can contact us directly on the dedicated page on our website.