Helianthus Carrément Fleurs


Date d'engagement : 24/04/2024

Business sector: Florist

Scope: France, road

Hélianthus is a florist under the Carrément Fleurs brand.
Thanks to a well thought-out purchasing policy adapted to the cut flower market, the Carrément Fleurs brand guarantees the freshness and quality of its products, which has earned it a near-perfect customer loyalty rate.

To reduce the carbon impact of transport, Helianthus will join FRET21 in July 2020.
The defined and validated CO2 reduction target is -10%.
i.e. in CO2eq avoided = 6 tonnes of CO2e

6 reduction actions, on 3 axes :
Means of transport - Deliveries by bicycle
Distances travelled - Carnations of Europe versus South America
Distances travelled - Germinis France versus Holland
Distances travelled - French Tulips
Means of transport - Bio GNV on shop distribution
Purchase of services - Transport commitment