Name : LINDT

Date d'engagement : 2/10/2020

Business sector: Chocolate

Scope: upstream Europe and downstream France

Découvrez le portrait de l'entreprise

areas of focus


Filling rate

See the actions

Distance optimisation

See the actions

Transport mode

See the actions

At Lindt&Sprüngli, we have been wanting to know where our beans come from for over 175 years and we select them carefully. We produce "the chocolate bean" and control every step of the manufacturing process - from the selection of the best cocoa varieties to the finished product.
This is one of the most fundamental criteria for a sustainable and traceable supply chain for cocoa beans - and it is not a task we want to delegate to others.
With this in mind, we have designed our sustainability Farming Program with the objective of developing a traceability and control system for our cocoa beans, while supporting local farmers and their communities and harvesting our cocoa beans in a responsible and sustainable manner.

This program is based on 4 pillars:

1. Traceability and farmers' organisation
2. Training and knowledge transfer
3. Farmers' investments and community development
4. Continuous verification and progress (through internal monitoring and external audit)

For more information: Click here

Because we are convinced that we owe our consumers more than a chocolate of Excellence, in 2020 Lindt France signed the charter "FRET 21: shippers is committed".

Reducing the impact of our logistics operations on the environment is a major focus of our Supply Chain transformation strategy.
As part of the Fret 21 initiative, Lindt is committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 9% within 3 years (i.e. -590T CO2e).

We have thus determined an action plan based on 4 levers:

1) Optimisation du taux de nos chargements
o Amélioration des plans de palettisation de nos produits
o Amélioration du taux de chargement des véhicules au départ de notre usine
o Optimiser les flux de distribution en développant la Gestion Partagée des Approvisionnements avec nos clients (GPA)

2) Mise en place de moyens de transport plus respectueux de l’environnement
o Déploiement de véhicules bio diesel / OLEO 100 sur nos flux d’approvisionnement
o Livraisons de nos boutiques Lindt au moyen de véhicules GNV (biogaz)

3) Achats de prestations
o Mise en place d’un contrat de progrès écologique avec nos transporteurs

4) Distance parcourue
o Relocaliser nos activités de copacking et de distribution au plus proche des points de livraison de nos clients