Commitment date: 20/05/2015

Business sector: Health and Hygiene

Scope: Inter-site flows and distribution for France

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areas of focus


Filling rate

See the actions

Distance optimisation

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Transport mode

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Responsible purchasing

See the actions

SCA (Demak'Up, Lotus, Nana, Okay, TENA, Tork), European leader in hygiene products , is one of the ten first signatories of the charter. FRET21. SCA is committed to reducing its transport-related CO2 emissions in France by 5% per year, i.e. a reduction of 2,000 tonnes by the end of 2018 .

Whether they are hygiene products and solutions for the retail sector, professionals or healthcare institutions, all SCA divisions in France are involved in the implementation of concrete actions to reduce their CO2 emissions in transport, around four main areas:

  • reduction in the number of journeys made , thanks to the optimisation of order sizes and vehicle filling;
  • reduction of the distances travelled , by optimizing the storage of products, reducing the need for shuttles to external storage;
  • development of multimodal transport (road/rail) for international flows ;
  • working on product specifications, including compressed formats such as the "Okay Compressed" paper towel.

« La responsabilité sociale et environnementale fait partie intégrante de l’ADN de SCA, indique Marc Sanchez, Président de SCA en France. En atteignant 80 % de nos objectifs de réduction de CO2 dans les transports, deux ans avant l’échéance fixée, nous nous inscrivons dans la tradition de respect de l’Homme et de la Nature du Groupe SCA. Le respect des engagements pris et l’investissement dont nous témoignons dans le cadre du dispositif FRET21 démontrent que notre entreprise demeure en quête permanente de performance et d’amélioration dans ce domaine. »


 » Le respect des engagements pris et l’investissement dont nous témoignons dans le cadre du dispositif FRET21 démontrent que notre entreprise demeure en quête permanente de performance et d’amélioration dans ce domaine. » Indique Marc Sanchez, Président de SCA en France.

The nature of our products and our flows open up a wide range of fields of action for reducing our environmental impact linked to transport, which allows the involvement of many departments in the company.

Our commitment is based on 5 actions:

  • Optimization of vehicle filling
  • Modal shift: import and international transit
  • Reduction of distances travelled
  • Product Specifications
  • Optimization of internal storage

Initiatives FRET21 de ESSITY

Axe 1 - Taux de chargement - Initiative
SCA - Cross-docking of sales orders

For one of its divisions, SCA has set up a network of cross-docking platforms in France, in order to group flows from di.... in its customers' orders.

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Axe 3 - Moyens de transport
SCA - Modal shift from road to rail

SCA uses rail for the import of products from Italy to certain French customers, and for transit from the Benelux countries to Spain. For imports to France, we ef....

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